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The song in this video, Immortal, is off of the EP Insomniac's Dream The video consists entirely of clips of the action from the Last Samurai, probably the only movie I can respect Tom Cruise for, but thats another story.
Posted by
2:12 PM
Labels: Adema, Music, Rock, You Tube
Downfall from Trust Company, off of the album The Lonely Position of Neutral. This song has a great intro too, check it out.
Another Classic in my opinion. So Cold by Breaking Benjamin off of their album We Are Not Alone. This song has some great momentum.
Hopefully I'm not the only one, but I think the White Stripes aren't all that great of a band. In fact I think they suck.
#5 What The Hell Are Their Songs About?
Lets think of a few, 'Hardest Button to Button' immediately comes to mind. What the hell are they singing about? I don't know, and quite frankly, I really don't care, I can't put up with their music long enough to find out.
#4 Only Two Instruments
They have a guitar and drums. I understand wanting to be different. Most people are different because they are better, but this is just ridiculous. You can't really get all the complex with two instruments, and it shows in their music.
#3 Jack White Sounds Like Crap
Have you ever heard any live clips of this guy singing? To me it sounds like someone took a crap in his mouth and hes trying to sing with it there. He can't sing live, without digital re mastering it sounds like an amateur is on stage. Let me know when he hits puberty and then maybe I'll give him another shot.
#2 One Note Concert
There is a clip on the internet in which they play a one note show. Who could be cruel and mean to their fans? The White Stripes, thats who.
#1 Bart Simpson is a Better Drummer Then Meg White
As shown here, Bart Simpson absolutely destroys the White Stripes in a battle of the bands per say. If that isn't a good enough reason for you then your too far gone to save.
Linkin Park's One Step Closer off of Hybrid Theory. Because Monday Mornings Suck.
It was a short week because the blog only started up on Wednesday, 6 songs were added:
Static-X - The Only
Korn - Evolution
Dope - Die MF Die
Drowning Pool - Bodies
Black Sabbath - Iron Man
Nonpoint - Bullet With A Name
Remember you can submit your own articles, videos, and ideas.
Thats all for this week.
Posted by
12:35 PM
Labels: Music, Recap, Rock, You Tube
A great song from Nonpoint, Bullet With A Name is definitely one of my favorites. Other then that this song off of To The Pain needs no introduction.
The new Iron Man Movie is just around the corner, well around a few corners (May 2, 2008 is the planned release date). Quite surprisingly Iron Man by Black Sabbath (Off of the album Paranoid) is already billed as being in the sound track. Who would have thought? Doesn't matter though, decent song, and Iron Man
is quite cool.
Quite frankly this is a classic as far as I am concerned. Off of the album Sinner, this song is definitely one of my favorites. To top it off this song has a track record serving with out men and women over seas... there is no better way to get pumped before going into combat! Listen, and Enjoy.
Ultimately I can find a lot of good stuff on You Tube, but I'm sure there is a lot out there I haven't seen. Have you seen any good unsigned or small time bands out there? Is there a new video... or better yet, an animated music video for a good hard rock song that you made?
Maybe you have written an article, or have an idea for one. If you have it, I want to hear about it! And yes, you will get credit and a link, so it works out for everyone.
Send me the suggestion (and a link to your own site) to:
Had a stressful drive in this morning? I did. This will help ease the pain.
Die MF Die off of the album Life by Dope. If you got in my way this morning you can Die too.
Posted by
9:02 AM
Labels: Dope, Music, Rock, You Tube
This one is off of the album Untitled which is due out for release on July 31st, just about a week away. The interesting thing here is that Korn has the entire album on their MySpace page. Thats right, not just a few songs like the rest of the chumps out there, but the entire album. I don't personally own any of Korn's CDs but this one seems pretty good, might just be time to change that.
Posted by
3:18 PM
Labels: Korn, Music, Rock, You Tube
Ok, to start things off, here is Static-X - The Only, off of the album: Shadow Zone.
The only thing I understand is what I feel.
Well here it goes. This is going to be my attempt at providing what I think are the best songs and music videos on You Tube. I like music thats fast, hard, and has a good beat. I might break these rules occationally... its my blog, that means YOU can deal with it. The playlist should grow quite quickly, check it out. Oh, and one more thing, subscribe to my favorites.
That is all.